Dr. Joan H. Miller, ND

Dr. Joan H. Miller, NMD
Naturopathic Medical Doctor (Retired)
Self-Healing Practices & Wellness Coach
What inspires me every day is being a student of the Integral Way Tradition as taught by Hua-Ching Ni, Mao Shing Ni and the College of Tao & Integral Health. I’m here to help us guide ourselves to a life of peace, health, prosperity, longevity and virtue. Our goal together is to benefit from Ancient Health Secrets & Wisdom, learn Self-Healing practices and share Life in Harmony and Balance with Nature.
My education and experience include: Doctor of Naturopathic Health Sciences and Medicine, Master of Arts in Educational Psychology: Remedial Reading, Bachelor of Arts in Communications, Licensed Teacher, College of Tao (COT): Divinity Degree Institute (AD) Associate of Divinity degree in Integral Way Taoist Studies, Taoist Mentor Level 3 of the Integral Way Tradition, Chi Health Institute certified instructor of Chi Movement Arts & Self-Healing Practices.