New Instructor/Level - Registration

Certification Process
If you are interested in becoming a Certified Instructor in one or more of the Ni Family movements, just follow these 5 steps under the guidance of a Senior Instructor:
1. Learn the form. Take the class from a Certified Teacher (In-Person or Online.) Notify your teacher that you are interested in becoming a Certified Teacher and they will connect you to a Senior Instructor or search for one in the CHI Directory. This person will mentor you through the Certification process.
2. Complete the "Introduction to Spiritual Self-Development Course, Part I, The Integral Way of Life.” (you only have to take Part I) This course requirement is waived for Yo San University students who have completed and passed Fundamentals of Taoism course—you must submit official transcript showing completion of said course.
3. Take a Teacher Training Intensive. Upon successful completion of your Teacher Intensive, the Senior Instructor will send a “pass” confirmation to College of Tao and your Senior Instructor will schedule your Practical Exam. Alternatively, the Senior Instructor may require you, instead of a teacher training intensive to take and assist a course, training you through the teaching assistance process.
4. Pass the Practical Exam. The Senior Instructor will ask you to demonstrate your knowledge and accuracy of the form that you are seeking to be certified in one on one in person or Online, if applicable. Upon successfully passing the practical exam, as evidenced by an email recommendation sent by Senior Instructor to the Registrar of College of Tao, proceed to the next step.
5. Complete the Application and Pay all the required Fees. See Fee Schedule below.
Fee Schedule for Instructor Certification*
Teacher Training Intensive Fee: US $75 ($50 for current YSU students) paid directly to Senior Instructor
Practical Exam Fee: US $50. Payable to the Senior Instructor
New Application Fee: US $85. Every time you apply for a new Chi Health Movement Form, you are you are required to pay this application fee
New Certification Fee: US $95 ($70 for current YSU students) This amount is prorated by the months remaining in the calendar year
Annual Renewal Fee: US $95. For New Certification(s) and to Renew your Certification(s) regardless of how many forms you have been certified in. Current Yo San students pay an Annual Fee of $70 until graduation after which the Renewal Fee becomes $95
*Certified Instructors with lapsed Certificate may not teach or represent themselves as a Certified Instructor unless their teaching certificate is valid and in good standing