Encourager of Great Universal Harmony

Encourager of Great Universal Harmony
In China in the late 1800s, there was a young woman who, like all females at that time, faced a challenging life due to the heavy limitations imposed by the tense male dominated culture. Despite the unnatural restrictions, she steadfastly focused on her spiritual growth and educated herself in various esoteric traditions, including the original ancient teachings of Tao. She was also the spiritual heir to the teachings of Mother Chern, the Mother of the Yellow Altar. After answering an inner call she met Yo San Ni and became his wife. Yo San already had a family and had assumed that his child rearing days were over, but the young woman knew that she and Yo San had a shared destiny. That woman was the mother of Hua Ching Ni (Omni), and grandmother of Omni’s sons, Dr Daoshing Ni and Dr Mao Shing Ni (Dr. Dao and Dr. Mao).
All her life, she presented and embodied the natural truth that it is the feminine virtues of softness, receptivity and unconditional love that move one closer to the Universal Nature of Balance and Harmony, and that Universal Harmony is the subtle truth and reality of all human life. We can, therefore, know this inspiring woman as “The Great Encourager of Universal Harmony.” As such, she helped mold a rambunctious young Omni into an inspiring embodiment of the IW. But she was not able to see her son grow into a man, or meet her grandchildren due to the catastrophic events of the cultural and communist revolutions in China at that time. Instead, she and Yo San encouraged Omni to leave home when he was a teenager, and after various experiences during his wanderings in China, he eventually found a safe haven in Taiwan.
When the darkness continued to grow in China, the Great Encourager of Universal Harmony realized her life’s main objective had come to a close. So, at 60 years of age, she naturally exuviated her body and returned to the subtle realm.