Programs & Courses

Learning Course
Online three-level Feng Shui Consultant certification courses in the art and science of Feng Shui based on ancient Taoist principles, environmental health sciences and architectural/design practices; focuses on personalized Feng Shui solutions to achieve optimum health of one’s body, mind, spirit, relationships, work/career and finances.
Study Format
Each level will be organized as a guided home-study forum, with a self-paced audio-video course including home assignments, quizzes, live-stream interactive study and Q/A sessions with your instructors. As a complement to the Courses, live seminars will be offered in the US and in Europe. The course completion of each Level qualifies students to take the corresponding certification workshop including the students’ required case presentations.
Three Levels
Level 1 – Five Healths Feng Shui (Click to be taken to registration)
Learning: all tools required for providing Five Healths Feng Shui consulting services including Five Element personality, Yin Yang, principles of Qi flow & applications of the Ba Gua map to balance any type of space.
Level 2 – North Star Feng Shui
Learning: Taoist astrological birth chart to align more deeply with clients’ inner needs
Level 3 – Infinichi Feng Shui
Learning: Feng Shui principles for environmental, health and economic sustainability
Certification & Credentialing
Upon successful completion of the certification Day, candidates register with the College of Tao as an official COT certified Feng Shui Consultant and receive the corresponding certificate diploma.
In addition, graduates of each Level who maintain their Feng Shui credentials with the College of Tao are invited to participate in various on-going peer support and exchange forums.
Some Feng Shui Level I graduates testimonials:
“With a well-organized toolkit & methods, this course conveys the essence of Feng Shui and has built my confidence in being able to give very practical and meaningful consultations for my clients.”
“Full of insights and presented with a fresh, new approach for everyone of all different backgrounds and interests.”
“Feng Shui and Chinese medicine use the same basic principles of moving Qi and unblocking stagnation. A great complementary tool for TCM practitioners.”
" . . . I am deeply impressed how the life situation of all the participants was visible in their homes. I am highly motivated. . . ."
Course Designer: Dr. Mao Shing Ni
Dr Mao is the creator of this unique program, teaching through 25 + hours of videos. He will participate to deepen our reflections and answer questions and guide the Feng Shui certification process where personal feedback is given on the students' projects. For more on Dr Mao, see Faculty.
Principal instructor: Claire Cunneen
Claire is the dean of the Feng Shui School institute of the College of Tao and a a senior College of Tao mentor. As the primary facilitator, Claire will leading all live stream sessions, coordinating with Dr Mao Shing Ni during the entirety of the course. For more on Claire Cunneen, see Faculty.